Good Morning All!
Over the past several months I have found myself at a new beginning of life...............I know several of you may be jealous but let me explain where I have been and the journey that God has chosen before me.
I am an educator by trade and stepped into administration as the need arose in my small Christian school. In mid October I was told that due to financial difficulties of the school that my position was no longer necessary. I was devastated in every form of the word. I considered the families, students and staff of the school my extended family. My children's education, life long friendships had been filled with the people of this school. God brought me to this school in a miraculous chain of events so I will not allow the enemy to rob the precious memories and relationships that have been built in the confines of those walls. However, the question loomed large - "What now?".
I have known that the administrative end of my job was waning on me personally and I yearned to teach more. God was calling me, I believe, back to His first calling on my life - the classroom. In November of 2011, I decided to do something out of my comfort zone after completing my master's degree in Christian Leadership from Liberty Theological Seminary ~ I applied to be a professor for a local Christian college. After several grueling interviews and theological reviews, I was now to be a part time professor in the CAPP program, College of Adult and Professional Program, teaching Introduction to the Bible (my favorite) and World Religions courses. Teaching adults, have I lost my mind? Well it can't be worse than what I love more than anything else in the world, middle schoolers! So that is what I have done the past year is teach adults the Bible ~ possibly the best job in the world! Down side is that I can't do it enough, it is only several classes a year. (I am working on that one)
So...............after my shock in October, I also began to experiment with another idea I have been wanting to do, repurposing furniture. So I have taken pieces around my house, our lake house and things people have not wanted and repurposed them. I will have pictures and the processes on the blog shortly. God graciously has given me a small amount of talent in painting and creativity, just enough to get me in trouble. The holidays kept me busy but then came January.............
January felt like a long labor before a birth. You remember those nagging back pains, the times that those 'fake' contractions caught your breath? I was in the midst of my spiritual labor. My Bible study time was intense. I had begun to work through Kay Arthur's book Lord Heal My Hurts because heavens knew I needed some kind of healing. God began to show me things that were opening my heart and the healing was almost palpable. God also led me to something really out of my comfort zone, a Daniel Fast. Now I must admit I was not perfect on this puppy but I knew that if I kept through it that God was working, even though at this point I could not see past my front porch.
I was blessed with the opportunity to begin one of my college courses at the end of January once a week. I was so excited to teach!! I cannot begin to tell you how hungry you become to do what God has called you to do when the opportunity to do it daily is taken away. My gratefulness in the opportunity to teach God's Word is overflowing. The timing of this class and its students have blessed me beyond measure.
It was also at this time, end of January during the Daniel Fast, that I stepped out on a limb to do something I would have never in a lifetime done before ~ I applied to be on a televised weight loss program, Atlanta's Biggest Loser. Now I need to tell you that Loser in an educator's vocabulary is a no-no, so to tell you I am going to join a 'Loser' group is actually hysterical. Never in my life did I believe that I would be chosen but I received an email announcing that I was a semi finalist and needed to come down to the station for an on camera interview. HOLY TOLEDO, what have I done?? Large people do not volunteer to be in a media that adds pounds to the viewing audience!! So I go, nervous as a demon in church. I was horrible, not myself, shaking and just awful. I drove out of that parking lot knowing they deleted that interview as soon as I walked out the door - oh no honey, they picked me for their finalist!! Yes, beginning next week I will begin a new adventure of pain and torture that hopefully will create in me a hunger for a healthier me!! I know I still can't believe it, but I feel assured that next week I will begin to believe it when I can't get my fanny out of the bed because my body can't move!
To sum up what I have take wayyyyy toooo many words to say already is this...............God will not waste our time in the desert. As we remain faithful to His Word and trust Him, know His sovereignty above all, He is working behind the scenes. I have shed more tears in the past months that I ever thought I could in a lifetime, those tears He has wiped each one and given me His promises in which I cling. It is NOT easy or for the faint of heart but it is worth it. I may not know what IT is but I know He is a part of IT and that is all I need to know.
As you read these posts I pray that they encourage you. I am not known for being politically correct or even correct but I pray that you laugh and cry with me in this journey that God is so graciously opened for us to partake. Thank you for coming with me and fo' sho' we will have some fun!!
Holding to His Promises,
Lisa, I love you and can't wait to follow you on this Biggest Loser journey! Of course, you know I will be here for all of the rest of the journey too as you have become "attached" ... but you are SO wrong when you say I don't notice those nasty old age spots that have attached themselves on my face! It is hard to forget them when one of the first things Raygan learned to say was "Awww, Nana's booboo!" as she pointed to my AGE SPOT! haha
ReplyDeleteThanks Debbie! You always crack me up!
DeleteLisa!!! Omg!!! This is ... Surreal!? I am so excited for you and can't wait to follow you on your journey!! I'm here for you girl--you got this:)
ReplyDeleteGinger what a great encouragement! You have always been such an inspiration for me! Love ya girl!
DeleteAs I sat here reading this tears streaming down my face. This has ministered to me tremendously. It's amazing how God opens the windows of heaven for us when a door closes. I will follow you in this journey and can't wait to see where this leads. You were such an inspiration for Cody and a we've loved you from day 1. I'm excited not only for you but this is ministering to me too!!!! You go girl!!!! Love you lots!!!
DeleteDarlene, thank you so much for your gracious words. I know that you have walked through many challenges and watching your faith grow is very inspirational in and of itself. I covet your prayers in this journey and know that God will be glorified in all that is said and done. Love you all. Give Jim and Cody my love.
DeleteYou have been, and continue to be such an inspiration to me. When my daughter found out that her favorite bible teacher and beloved leader was no longer going to be in her life on a daily basis she sat on the kitchen floor and just sobbed from the debths of her sweet soul. We miss you every day and talk about all of the wonderful lesson you taught inside and outside of the classrooms. The blessing you are giving us by continuing to share your life with us is yet another testament to your selflessness. You will always be my hero and I feel honored to be a fly on the window of your amazing faith filled life.
ReplyDeleteTraci, I so appreciate the years of the love and graciousness of your family. I adore you all. I have missed seeing you guys on a regular basis but have been blessed when I have seen you all. I pray that through this experience that you guys will know that God continues to walk beside me and through me. Thank you so much for your kind words. Love you all.
ReplyDeleteI so enjoyed seeing you the other week and I know God is using this time in your life in a powerful way and you will look back on this one day and know God's hand was constantly there through every step. I am excited for you and love you so much. Thanks for showing a willing spirit to let God lead you in those times when we don't see how it will end. You have so much to offer to so many and I just love laughing with you.
ReplyDeleteYou are the greatest person to laugh with! I miss seeing you on a consistent basis. Thanks for the encouraging words. I hope to see you soon.
DeleteMy sweet niece...... You have had a tremendous impact on many lives and I am grateful that you continue to see your calling to teach ... all of us. This blog is such a hip and cool way (you are so hip and cool) to share your life and journey and a great way to inspire. Thank you! I am excited about what God continues to do in your life, and I look forward to reading what you write and hearing what you have to say about the journey. I am here for you and will be praying for you. I love you much!
ReplyDeleteI know you are in this journey with me and I am so grateful. Thank you for your encouragement and support. Love you
DeleteWOW! well, now i'm caught up on all your posts.....i read them in reverse order! you have honestly lifted and inspired me to get off my hiney and give some things a try. your years with our girls are memories they will cherish forever; they love Mrs. Nix, and we are eternally grateful for your true love and guidance with them. i can't wait to see what you post next! i watched a 20/20 with Robin Roberts recently and she recounted a teaching of her mom, "make your mess your message". now, that is great advice, and not a way i would have looked at things, but sounds like a good way to soar with the eagles! you go, eagle!
Val Roach
Lisa, I am so glad you used the lemons in your life to make lemonade instead of sour faces. I found this promise scripture when I was entering one of the most lonely places in my life. I hope it will encourage you.
ReplyDelete...Be patient with everyone. Be sure that no one pays
back wrong for wrong, but always try to do what is
good for each other and for all people.
Always be joyful. Pray continually,and give thanks
whatever happens.(now here is the kicker)
I Thess. 5:14-19 NCV