I had so much fun making this you just couldn't believe. I designed on a piece of paper what I wanted the doors for the oven and refrigerator and Mr. Wonderful did the rest. We decorated with some items we had around the house in order to keep the cost down. But quite honestly the desk I purchased at Goodwill for $25. The faucet and the stove knobs were as much as the whole desk, haha. I purchased those at Home Dept. The rest we had at the house, I guess that tells you what our basement or garage looks like.
Here are some close up pics for you.
The hole we covered with a piece of plexiglass. The knobs are a little pricey but you can use wooden knobs but the kids love something that turns.
The shelf was found at the house from one of the kids' bathrooms from years gone by. I created the counter with a simple mix of acrylic paints in a sponge technique. Tape off the stove to make it a separate area. I glued some wooded discs from Michaels after painting them black - simple for a big punch. The fabric was left over from the kids' homework room. You never know when those scraps come in handy!
The sink is a stainless steel bowl and a faucet from Home Depot for $12, check out the clearance area in the bath area. The window is a picture frame that I painted a pasture scene with some mountains since it was going to be living in East Tennessee.
A simple wipeoff board in which we came to find out was one of her favorite things.
My aunt and uncle had an old phone in their basement WITH a chord. My children were fascinated with the chorded phone. And once again a towel bar from some bathroom over the years.
The rest of the family got her fun things to go with her kitchen. It is a little tall so she uses her 'step' to let her reach the sink. I really was concerned about the height seeing so many on the internet/Pinterest using a converted tv cabinet but I think she would outgrow it too soon so .......... I think this will last her a few years.
She was such the boss of her world even the 19 year old obeyed her instructions. Let me know if you need some guidance on your project.
Thanks for the visit,
oh my gosh! i had no idea you had all of this inside of you, Lisa!
ReplyDeleteFor it is like a man going on a journey, who summoned his slaves and entrusted his property to them. To one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey. You know "the rest of the story"
you are certainly "using what the good Lord gave you!" i hope you've entertained the idea of making some $$ with this gift/knowledge you have.
Val Roach
Lisa you are sooo talented, both in your artistic and writing abilities. I join the ever increasing number of people who are PROUD of you.