Sunday, February 24, 2013

Meme's Telephone Table

My mother has had this ugly narrow table in our house as long as I can remember. Many of you remember the table that held the phone in your foyers growing up, this is that table. You know when there was only one phone in the house............... what a blast from the past that is.

It is dark and worn with watermarks. It really  looked like a cast away piece. But it was a family piece so I couldn't do what is left is to redo it. This was a redo with a lot of love and patience. My arms got a work out on this one with all the sanding that I machines on this one just elbow power.

The table showed its age well and was a great piece but just needed new life breathed into it. I began sanding the top and realized it was a red oak so I decided to just put a poly over the top of it and paint the bottom with a light blue grey that I had on hand. Stressed it so that it did look its age and now it sets beautifully in our dining room with the phone on it.

** Be careful when you tape off the top of your table and then poly that it doesn't leave you dried pools of poly that need to be cut away afterward. My advice is either be light handed with your poly or pull the tape away while your poly is just damp. Anyone have other advice I am open to hearing your experience. **


  1. my goodness, this is beautiful! we have a table JUST like this one (the pre-repurposed version)in our basement. you have inspired me to try and begin refinishing some old furniture!
    val roach

  2. I think I remember this table. But can not remember which of our many homes it originated in. Probably the house in the 1200 block of Price street. However, as we never had a phone until the middle 50s it would not have been used for the purpose you infer. Ask your mom if she knows how this table found it's way into our home.
