Friday, April 12, 2013

Screen Door

Is there nothing more nostalgic than the sound of a screen door slam? We have been wanting a screen door on the back of the house forever and today magically the sound of my childhood came back to me with a loud WHACK!! LOVE IT!!

Screen doors remind me of my grandparents' home in Savannah. They had screen doors on the front AND the back door. If you are from south Georgia or have ever been below Macon between March and October you know why people down there have screen doors. First to catch some kind of breeze so you won't die of heat exhaustion -because God knows you can't turn on the window units unless everybody is in the house for the night (never understood this philosophy of my Grandfather's). Secondly, screen doors keep the bugs from carrying off your first born.

You never realize you miss that slamming sound until you don't have one. There is just something missing if you leave the house without the whack of the screen door behind you. It is like the house is telling you goodbye or greeting you upon your arrival.

I have come to appreciate many things over the past few months much like a screen door. I appreciate the camaraderie of colleagues standing over coffee asking for advice, the sweet note of a student who grace was extended due to being a kid, baseball, the azaleas blooming (or the anticipation of them blooming, haha), the smell of fresh cut grass for the first time of the season, and I could go on but won't bore you. I guess today I am reflective and just down right appreciative of many things I have missed the past few years due to being so cotton pickin' busy.

What is it that you are missing like a screen door? Is there something or someone that you need to hear their voice that brings salve to your soul? Do you need to slow down? Breath? Try journaling sometime, it helps to put down some of your thoughts and requires you to think, reflect and remember what God's calling is on your life. Remember who you are in HIM! Reminds you who He is to you!

This week I have been reminded in my Bible study of Psalm 39. The psalmist, could be David or not - it doesn't matter, reminds us that our lives are 'short lived', 'nothing', 'a vapor', 'a shadow', ' a breath'. Yet as short as our lives are, as insignificant as we may be, God desires to have a relationship with us. He sent His son, Jesus, as the sacrifice for me. David was a very powerful, influential, successful leader of a great nation. I am in awe of his perspective of his life in comparison to the awesomeness of a Holy God.

Sometimes what we are missing is the proper perspective. I believe David's psalm gave me that this week.

One of the most powerful books I have read lately relates to this topic of perspective. There are times in my life, and I am sure in some of yours, that we are, as my grandmother says 'big in our britches'. We are thinking we are something/somebody. This book by Louie Giglio is just what the doctor ordered for me: I AM NOT BUT I KNOW I AM.  It isn't about who I am but WHO I know and my relationship with I AM. Get it! Read it! Gain Perspective!

Perspective for me is like have that reassuring whack of the screen door on my life. There is comfort and security in that one sound.

(side note: for those of you who are following my weight loss program, thank you. I am down 6.5 more pounds for a total of 19 with the program and about 29 since January. I can't tell you how I appreciate your support and encouragement.)


  1. Lisa,
    You are awesome ... I so enjoy your blog and your journey! You aren't just kidding when you say that many of us can relate to what you are going thru.
    When you were telling the story of "little" I couldn't help but laugh while hurting with you! I feel pretty certain they would be 3 exercises ahead of me before I could get back up off the floor ... and then the "crawls and hops" UP the LITTLE hill, I might have been with you a few crawls or hops until you said it wasn't allowed to ROLL down, which left me out again. hahaha
    Love you girl, hang in there, for both us ... I am just praying that I am not the future assignment God lays on your heart. :-)

    1. Thanks Debbie. I know that you understand the path I am on. I appreciate all your prayers. You never say never to the Lord ya know. :) I am living witness to that. Love ya girl!

  2. Sissy, keep on keep'n on! Love you.
