Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Snow Run

For those of you who are wondering about the mile run on Saturday,,,,,,,,,,well I can sum it up with I wasn't last but I wasn't first either. Yes we ran in 30ish degree weather in snow flurries! I am not sure what this may say about our group or this new adventure.

I do know this........I was encouraged by the people I was with. They are a group of people who are not gathered together by accident. Before we began our run we met at the Coach's gym, I was just glad to get to the bathroom, it's a long way from my house and once again you know I had me some coffee. The Coach asked some of us our 'story', how we got to where we are - out of shape and overweight. One thing I am discovering is that each of us has a story..........some are triumphant, very inspiring, others are tragic and heartbreaking and others are lost sheep in need of direction.

I desire to share so much with you on this blog but will reserve most of my posts to my personal journey. Right now I am scared but encouraged, so far out of my element of control I feel as though I am in a foreign land. I left the gym the other day after having my first conversation with the Coach with tears streaming down my face for the majority of the way home. Not because of what he said but more about what he revealed in me. I am coming to realize this is not just a journey on my weight loss or becoming physically healthy but there will be more that I know about myself. It is a journey of who I am or who I am becoming.

There are reasons as to why we hide behind our weight. There are motives to our comforting ourselves in the southern comforts of food. There are conveniences and avoidances that we have taken up in order to deny the hard issues of life. So understand that with each pound that is lost there are layers of understanding and fierce giants slain in my life. God has been preparing me spiritually over these past few months for the battle at hand. I have my weapons for the warfare and I know Who has my back.

Thank you for all of you who have encouraged me either by your posts or personal contacts. You have no idea how much your words came to my mind as I was running amidst the flurries. The fact that you believe I can do this even if I have doubted my ability has been my lifeline.

Philippians 3:13-14
 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press ontoward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.


  1. Sissy, this post of yours is filled with power and an honest dose of reality. I am reminded of "The weight of glory" by C.S.Lewis when he says we are so easily satisfied with making mud pies in the slums when God offers us a holiday at the sea. I love you and am so proud of you. I cant wait to walk this journey with you as i read each post.

    1. Thank you bubba. I love you very much and appreciate your words.

  2. Yahoo! I have thought many times about Isaiah 40:31 when out walking or running and that passage is so perfect for you...

    You HAVE put your trust in the Lord and you will find your strength renewed... you will rise up on wings like eagles... you will run and not grow weary, you will walk and not faint! Thank goodness you didn't faint... :-)
    I love you more than you know.... and will pray for your continued trust and renewal.... we are beside you...
    Aunt Janet

    1. Thanks Jan, Love the picture you sent me too.

  3. Lisa, i'm just so proud of you, i don't know what to say. what you are doing is NOT easy. i've seen your strength over the 5 years i've had the pleasure of knowing you and i know that you can, and will, conquer. i love what you have posted here. you have encouraged and inspired me, and many others, in this i am sure.
    Val Roach

    1. Val how precious your words are to me. I am so grateful for the friendship that I have in you and David and the girls. You guys have always been a well of encouragement for me. Thank you again.

  4. I have tried 3 times to post a comment on your blog and every time I go to publish it I lose it.All I want to say is I think you are a special person that I have had the good fortune of meeting. You are a fantastic teacher and wonderful presentation of a child of God! I cannot say enough of how much it meant to me having you teach my last class at Shorter. I anxiously await your post to follow your path of new horizons and the clearing out of old stuff. I feel privileged to have you as a sister in Christ. Keep up the good work! You are one great lady.

    1. Laura, thank you so much. I am so glad your post came through, sorry you had so much trouble. It was a joy to teach you guys last block. I look forward to hearing from you more.
